Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Not Average....

Yeah for getting the last dozen stitches out this morning! Now I only am sporting a small band aid. And another yeah for going back to work. Sounds silly but I was going stir crazy looking at my four walls. And a double loud yeah for kids going back to school!! They need to get out from under my feet for awhile every day. It is good for all those involved!
I was greeted very warmly at the kids' school today, most of these smiling faces I haven't seen for a month.  A few extra gentle hugs and lots of concerned questions. The main ones- are you feeling better? and are you done yet? Better, yes! But it is a realitive term... compared to surgery day, by about a million miles. Compared to three months ago, not even close. Done yet?- nope. My smart answer to that was "this is not the average boob job" her smart repsonse, "You are not the average girl". I laughed and said you are very correct! That is the perfect way to look at it. Since when did I do anything the average way? And why in the world would this situation be any different?!?! The average woman would walk into the hospital one morning and probably check out the next day with a complete set. But not this girl.... no, she had to get it done a little differently. Oh well, all is well that ends well.
The other funny moment at school was hearing what the rumor mill had been generating about me. I guess I should be flattered that anyone cares enough to talk that much about me ;-)
I get to coast for the next three weeks, then it's time for the expansion process. I keep hearing that it hurts. Hurt like hell for fluid to be removed- can't imagine how adding will feel any better. So I chatted with the doc today about what to expect. The plan is take it really slow to start. I will know immediately during the procedure if it is too much fluid and he will adjust accordingly. There is no reason to be in agony or miss work. Hopefully over the six weeks they have scheduled all will go smoothly and I will be that much closer to the finish line!!!

1 comment:

  1. The light at the end of the tunnel! Glad we can breathe now! xoxo Happy New Year has just that extra special meaning right now. Luv ya!
