Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back to work I go....

At today's doctor appointment I got the green light to go back to work... with the condition that I do it "gently". He must've figured me out already, hee hee. I am definately excited to get back in the groove of life, no more couch surfing for me. The kids are going back to school and my work week is full. Ready or not, here we go!
I am not even one month out from the original surgery and far from the finish line, not that it's a race by any means. The doctor is very pleased with my healing. We have discovered that I have super sensitive skin. My list of allergies seems to be growing with every procedure which makes healing a much slower process.
Three weeks from now the expansion process will begin, a whole new chapter, but that much closer to done.


  1. I love you!! Lets get the kids together to play sometime. My kiddos miss your kiddos.

  2. I love you too Miss Katie D!! Let's try and match schedules so we can get the munchkins together.
