Saturday, February 18, 2012

Expansion is done

I have completed five out of the six expansion appts and have decided to waive the white flag. It is not defeat by any means because the end result will not suffer. I am just done! Done with the pain and discomfort. Done with the anxiety of knowing another surgery is coming but not when. The doctor agreed that we had gone far enough and it was time to schedule the next procedure. He said I had done perfectly.... I guess showing up every week makes me a good patient :-) I never thought I'd be so excited to have surgery! No more weekly injections, much less pain, and a "normal" appearance are all reasons to celebrate. The surgery will be done as an out-patient, thru the same incisions as before. I will need to take a week off of work. And will get a break from doctor appts for about two months while things are healing. I have come to adore the staff and nurses at my dr's office but I love the idea of not being the pin cushion anymore!!
Now I am just waiting for the phone call to tell me when the two surgeons can coordinate and get me into the operating room. Not a hard thing to do, except for the fact that this last expansion appt has put me over the pain edge. I guess my body agrees that it is done too! The last four have been a little uncomfortable for a few hours, followed by soreness for a day. For some reason, this time I am in agony. I guess that gives me a good excuse to be a couch potatoe for a bit.